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Google Scholar Beginners Guide

Learn the most effective research strategies



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💬 Mary Anne

Google Scholar was like Greek to me... I can't thank you enough!

💬 Patrice

I just couldn't wrap my head around the bloody thing. Thank you so much for shedding some light!

💬 Dominque

I wish I knew this sooner because I didn't know what I was doing or how to research efficiently.

🎧 Forest

These search tips & tricks are AWESOME!! 

💬 Mandeep

Very helpful and relevant, especially for beginners where research writing is concerned!

💬 Hossam

I didn't even know this existed until a week ago!


Once a struggling college student myself, I found success through the power of academic writing. I'm here to help you do the same!

Chelsea Seburn

Creator of the Smart Student

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